Saturday 26 March 2016

Science as curse for victor

Science as curse for victor:
          This is my assignment as part of my second semester in M.A. As a student of literature there are some questions regarding any literature. So here I want to clear these many questions as under,

Ø What is in the novel ‘Frankenstein’?

Ø How is Victor Frankenstein intelligent, what are his characteristics?

Ø Is victor good or bad?

Ø How science as curse for victor?

Ø Is character like victor in other literature?

Ø How we can conclude this topic?

Basic information about the novel:
                  Generally we think that any woman writer can’t write new thing. She always writing house hold things but it is not write to thing like it. Because there are many women writers who wrote intelligent things like Marry, Verginia, etc. So now a day it things change so we must have to do things properly. So it is quite opened novel to Shaw of.  Frankenstein is the novel written by Merry Shelly in 1818. It is known as a gothic, horror and science fiction. There are some main characters like..

Ø Victor Frankenstein
Ø  Walton
Ø Elizabethan Lavenza
Ø The  monster
Ø Henry clerval


 There are various themes in the novel like, dangerous knowledge, sublime Nature, monstrosity, secrecy etc. there are two major symbols like, light and fire. And among these so many characters Victor if the main but failure character and others are important likes Elizabeth, monster, etc. There are two important dialogues from the novel as under,

"I ought to be thy Adam; but I am rather the fallen angel."
Here there is another one as under it reflects the character of Victor.

                         I feel exquisite pleasure in dwelling on the recollections of childhood, before misfortune had tainted my mind and changed its bright visions of extensive usefulness into gloomy and narrow reflections upon self. Besides, in drawing the picture of my early days, I also record those events which led, by insensible steps, to my after tale of misery, for when I would account to myself for the birth of that passion which afterwards ruled my destiny I find it arise, like a mountain river, from ignoble and almost forgotten sources; but, swelling as it proceeded, it became the torrent which, in its course, has swept away all my hopes and joys. Natural philosophy is the genius that has regulated my fate; I desire, therefore, in this narration, to state those facts which led to my predilection for that science. When I was thirteen year of age we all went on a party of pleasure to the baths near Thonon; the inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day confined to the inn. In this house I chanced to find a volume of the works of Cornelius Agrippa. I opened it with apathy; the theory which he attempts to demonstrate and the wonderful facts which he relates soon changed this feeling into enthusiasm. A new light seemed to dawn upon my mind, and bounding with joy, I communicated my discovery to my father. My father looked carelessly at the title page of my book and said, "Ah! Cornelius Agrippa! My dear Victor, do not waste your time upon this; it is sad trash."
                     Victor learns that his interest in alchemy is useless and that such a field is outdated. Instead, science and natural philosophy are the accepted forms of thought.

Ø How is Victor Frankenstein intelligent, what are his characteristics?

               Victor Frankenstein is an intelligent character because he tries to create human being but somehow he is unsuccessful to create that. And so his creation becomes monster rather than human.  Victor dislikes his creation because it is ugly looking and terrible body. He looks like giant, he is eight foot tall. But point is that to create any creature like monster it is also not an easy task. And because of this reason we can say that he is not common man because we can’t do it and that’s why he is an intelligent. If we answer the question that why he is doing that? He wants to do something new and become famous in the world. Perhaps his intention is good to creating monster and helping to people. Thus, we can say that he is intellectual character.

Ø Is victor good or bad?

           Any thing and person has his’s/her’s/it both the points because as we know that nothing is complete. As same here also we can say both the points about his character. So let’s we know it one by one. He is bad because he not accept his creation because he is ugly looking. So we can say that he is fails to take responsibility for his creation and its action. And another point is that when Monster tells Victor to create companion for him but at that time Victor deny creating it. Because some where he has fear that if it convert into the race of monster so in that point he is selfish. So from these two points we can say that he is bad. Now let’s we think some positive points that how he is good? He is good because he want to create monster to help human beings so his intention to crating monster is not bad.
     Thus, we can see both the points in his character. So after all we can’t give judgment about any person that he is good or bad.

Ø How science as curse for victor?

 Science is course for him; it starts with the creation of Monster. When first time he is looking monster at that time he afraid from it and then monster went away. Then monster learn language from other family and after getting language. He thinks that Victor doing wrong with he and then he start to take revenge. Then he beg female partner to survive in his life but at that time also Victor deny to create female partner. And so he kills some family members of Victor like Elizabeth, etc. He tries to create monster that is good thing but he can’t able to keep him as his creation. Because indirectly Victor become father of Monster but he never take care of him. So he becomes irresponsible person to doing like it. And Victor can’t control the things yet he is so powerful that he able to create monster. Victor is the person who craves to be famous in the world and that’s why he tries to do something new. We can also compare it with Dr. Faustus because he has to suffer because of too much knowledge. Science and religion these both things are different to each other. If we want to be believer in science so Dr. Faustus is like that character who suffers to become knowledgeable. So as same here Victor is also like that character who suffers to become knowledgeable. Knowledge of both the characters is different but somehow they both have to suffer because of science or knowledge.
Ø Is character like victor in other literature or movie?
                                          There are many movies and novels in which we can find this type of things. So let’s we know one by one. First I want to say about the movie ‘Robot’. In this movie we can see that Vashikaran (Rajanikant) tries to make robot as like human being who can do. The name of the robot is Chitti but making this type of robot Vshikaran failed to create it. And for that fault he must have to pay the prize and he has to suffer the things. Not only he has to suffer but others also have to suffer because of the creation of robot. But then in the end he must have to destroy it because that is the solution of that problem. Now another movie is that ‘Splice’ in that movie also we can see the same thing that Scientist takes the things from three different things like lizard, bet and the DNA of his self and his wife’s. So he thinks that he creates human being but it is look like mixture of various things. And looking like ugly woman so he create hybrid creature that look like girl with tail and with wings. But some where it harms to human being and that’s why human destroy it. So in all these three we can see that man try to create human being but every time he fails to create it. But in this type of work we see that science become curse for scientist and through telling this type of story people afraid to do like that. But it not means that we never can do it so it’s going on and on.
                     After doing such thinking we can’t say that science is bad things and religion is good. But science tries to do things with logic and believing after knowing. Scientist does things properly and with evidence. They are not more nonbeliever but try to find the place where is. So indirectly if we think about scientist so they all become failure in all these things to creating human.  And so after all we can conclude that human beings are unable to crating another. It also prove that anything is too much is curse for any one.

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