Monday 3 April 2017

How the various Appeals applied?

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What is advertisement?
          To give information to the public about; announce publicly in a newspaper, on radio or television, etc. to ask for something by placing a notice in a newspaper, over radio or television, etc.:
to advertise for a house to rent. To offer goods for sale or rent, solicit funds, etc., by means of advertisements:

Features of Advertisement :
          It is direct toward increasing sale of business. Advertisement is paid form of service. It is non personal, there are always mass audience. Advertisements are identifiable with its sponsor.

       Advertisements are for audience as well as company, it helps to audience to know the things around them related with advertisement. People come to know the product, quality of product, prize for the product, etc. These all things people come to know because of Advertisement. Company is doing because to increasing the value of the product, sale of the product, etc. There are some media, through which advertisements are present, let's know about it.

Types of Media:
      There are various media through which advertisements are present like TV, Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Internet, etc. These all things are helpful to give advertisement. People are attracted through this kind of Advertisement because there is some appeal hidden in it. There are various appeals so let's know about it in detail.

1) Personal appeal:
      It deals with the personal emotions of the person like joy, anger, happiness, sadness, etc. And for that some advertisements are appealing to the person. If a person is so senti then sentiments appealing more on him? So, this kind of Advertisement is like personal appeal.

2) Social appeal:
          Some social factors appealing to purchase the product. In this kind of Advertisement they are using the popular persons who are respectable in society and because of that person or respect for the person, people are purchasing the product. Let's know about another appeal.

3) Fear Appeal:
          It is used many times in various advertisements. Generally they present that do this otherwise you have to suffer. Eat this otherwise your weight increasing; use this cream otherwise your skin become dull, etc. These kinds of various types of fears are present through those advertisements and because of that, people are purchasing the product.

4) Humour Appeal:
    It deals with our humour sense. While watching advertisement we become happy or laughing and because of that thing people purchasing the product. Now a day it appeals to people more as compare to other things.

5) Sex appeal:
     Our sensuality raised in this kind of Advertisement. It raised our curiosity and people are extremely wished to purchase the product. If it is not used carefully then some time it is harmful for the person. So these many things are about it.

6) Music Appeal:
              It deals with music and person attracted through the music. For example docomo " ye a” , "Surakshit kale mere bal vesmol ne kiya kamal ", etc. So, it appeals to the person. Or put impressions on our mind and because of that, we are purchasing the product.

7) Scarcity Appeal:
              It is about limited time period. They have to sell it in some limited time period. So, this kind of product deals with this kind of appeal.

8) Rational Appeal:
            Some people are rational thinkers and this kind of Advertisement comes in newspapers and it succeeds in that. That kind of people who are not attracted through any kind of things. This appeal deals with that kind of person. So it is rational appeal.

9) Masculine Feminine Appeal:
          It deals with gender, there is some particular advertisement which is related with woman and some are related with man. So, it deals with a particular gender. For example add about fair and lovely is related to woman and fair and handsome related with man.

10) Brand Appeal:
              This is particularly about brand conscious and brand statement. Some celebrities are specifically related to that brand. This type of appeal is call brand appeal.

11) Snob Appeal:
       It creates wish in the mind of the person. Person wants to extreme wish to purchase the things so it calls snob appeal.

12) Adventure Appeal:
            It deals with the adventures things or events. That kind of things which are normally all can't do. Some adventurous person can do it. For example in the add of " Aj kuch tufani karate he". So, this kinds of add related with confidence.

13) Less than perfect appeal:
         Some people are not satisfied with their condition and they feel that they are less perfect. And to be the perfect they are purchasing the product. So it is the less than perfect appeal.

14) Romance Appeal :  
      It is about the attraction between the man and woman. There are many advertisement which deals with this point. For example "moove ah se ah tak" and many others. So this type of add is about romance appeal.

15) Sensitivity Appeal:
             It deals with the sensitivity of the person. Some kind of adds are like that in which people are driven because of their sensitivity. So, it we call sensitivity appeal.

16) Youth Appeal:
           There are some advertisements related with young people. They try to impress young people towards the product, so person purchase the things. For example fair and handsome, fair and lovely, etc. These kinds of products are specifically about the young people and they attracted through those advertisements.


                So, these all appeals are dealing with human psychology and their behavior. Advertisements makers are always careful about the basic needs of human mind and they also take care about likes and dislikes of the all types of people. And in some particular add there are some target audience, those advertisements are only for that target audience. It is very useful to selling the products and companies are using money behind those various advertisements because it profits them. They are getting money out of those ads. Because these advertisements are attracting the people. So, after all we can say that it is not easy to make advertisements.

Works Cited

Dhvani Joshi. (n.d.). Slideshare . Retrieved from slideshare . (n.d.). Retrieved from :

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