Friday 23 October 2015

Critical Analysis of Gulliver's Travels


          The Gulliver’s travel written by Jonathan Swift. He was born in Dublin, Ireland, on November 30, 1667. His father, who was also known as Jonathan Swift died before he was born. His mother, Abigail, was supported on a slender pittance by his father’s brother. He was grandson of Thomas Swift, the Royalist vicar of Goodrich.

          He was a cousin of poet Dryden. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and all though his early life was dependant on the generosity of other. His College career was not highly creditable, either from the point of view of manners, morals or learning. Then after completing it, he travelled through England on foot. Thus his life is like this. His works are as under,

          But the Gulliver’s Travel is the one of the famous work of Swift. It is published in 1726. The full title of his novel is…
          “Travels into several remote of the world in four parts by Lamuel Gulliver, first a surgeon and then a captain of several ships.”

          The novel Gulliver’s Travel was begun in 1720 and finally published in 1726. It is at once a delightful fantastic story of adventure for children, a political allegory and a serious satire on human nature, on contemporary politics, social institutions, and religious controversies and on the manners and morals of the age.

          The book is written in the form of a travelogue. The hero and narrator of the story is Lamuel Gulliver’s, an English Physician who opts to travels as a ship’s surgeon where he is unable to take care of his family on his major income. The book is made up four parts, each decline with the person’s experience in a different fantasy land.

~ Four parts of the novel

~ Four Voyages in brief

1) The Voyage to Lilliput in part one

           In this first part Gulliver started his voyage. It is his first voyage. In this part Swift describe that Gulliver has power in Lilliput. In this part, religious and political divisions are humorously mingled. The foolish is exposed with the help of quarrels between the high heels and the low heels and between the big-endian and the little ending. Where the blood of thousand people has been shed. When the emperors’ heels are described as lower than those of anybody else at the court, the reference is to the preference shown by king George-1 to the Whigs. Many other illusions may also be traced. In addition to all this some of Gulliver’s remarks on the institution of Lilliput serve as useful comments upon the legal policy of his own country, England ,for instance when he mention that the Lilliputians throated found as a great crime then stealing  and alludes to their policy in rewarding merits as well as punishing vice.   

2) The Voyage to Brobdingnag in part two

          In this part of the novel, Swift shows us the people of immense stature. These people are gifted with a sound and cool judgment, look at the principles and politics of Europe. Here, satire has general nature. Some particular references to political events: and no circumstances are mentioned. Which are not applicable to all places, while Lilliput was a land inhabited by Pigmies or dwarfs, Brobdingnag is the land of giants or persons of an immense stature.

3) The voyage to Laputa in part three

          In this part, the abuses of science are the aim of satire. Swift’s target here is the projects who learning their common sense behind them, wander into the vast religions of speculative philosophy. It is noticeable here that the satire is not seemed at the science but its hazards.

4) The Voyage to the land of the Houyhnms and the Yahoos in part four

          In this part the satire is intense. This voyage represents mankind in a satire is too exaggerated. The author succeeded in portraying the disgusting yahoos. The Houyhnms are devoid of all these tender passions and affections without which life become a burden. The Houyhnms do not appeal to us model of perfection.

          Thus these four voyages are travel by Gulliver but we can find lot of satires in the novels of Jonathan so let’s know about it.

~ Jonathan Swift- a master of Satire:

                 Jonathan swift is a master of satire. He wrote the Gulliver’s travels satire on political, Religion, culture etc. he uses irony in double way. In Gulliver’s travels Jonathan swift wrote the reality of individual’s communities, or all mankind by employing irony, mockery, ridicule, sarcasm, and even invective as the weapon’s attack. He is master or corrosive as well as comic satire, his comic satire makes us laugh. Corrosive satire is serious and creates hatred. This corrosive type of satire is fully developed in book-iv of Gulliver’s travels. The first part is rich in comic fictional illusion. Jonathan swift was a great satirist.

~ Satire used for moral purpose:

                                                  Every satirist is a reformer, as satire always aims at correcting humans follies and human vices. Swift in his book had pinpointed the follies and vices which he had witnessed in the English society of his time. In fact swift had focused attention upon the follies and vices of all mankind and not merdy the English society of his time.

                               Satire of all types always aims to reform. Swift aims at amending a correcting his readers but he is doubtful whether he would reach his goal or not. Swift in his ‘letter to Alexander pope’ wrote that his purpose in writing, the book was to vox the world rather than divert it! Actually he desired to shock his readers into a realization of their faults and feelings. According to swift “man is certainly capable animal” though man is certainly capable of becoming rational.” In this way one can say that the book is to make people realize their irrationality and to encourage them to develop their rational faculty and guide by it. Thus, it can be said that Swift as a moral or ethical aim in writing this fiction.

~ The Satire full of Allegories

          In an allegory a person or institution is not affected directly but they are affected indirectly. ‘Animal farm’ of George Orwell is one of the best examples of satire writing. In this book in part-1 the character of Flimep. The treasurer in Lilliput is a satirical portrayal of sir Robert Walpole who was the prime minister of England from 1115 to 1116 again from 1721 to 1742. Dancing on a tightly tied rope allegorized Walpole’s skill in parliamentary facts and political intrigue. Same way, Radresal represents Lord cartret who was appointed by Walpole to the office of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Further one of the King’s cousins takes about of King George’s mistresses. Why helped to restore Walpole to farer after his full in 1717.

          The conflict between High-Heels and Law-Heels and Law-Heels represents the conflict between the two main parties of England i.e. Whig and Tory. The  quarrel between big Endians and the Little-Endianns.  And the quarrel between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. The incidents of extinguishing a fire in queen’s apartment and the queen’s reaction is an example of Queen Anne’s description of annoyance with Swift for writing ‘A Tale of Tube’ another book which attacked religious but the queen misinterpreted it as an attack on Religion. The pigmies of Lilliput and the giants of Brobdingnag depict human beings. First reduced to a small scale, as if seen through a magnifying glass. Symbols of animals are given in part-4. In this part Yahoos symbolize mankind without any good qualities while the Houyhnams ( the horses) show human beings with their good qualities. They were perfect and had no bad qualities at all. And from this situation he try to say the behavior of human beings. In Gujarati we have one proverb like ‘ Manaso karata Gadheda sara’. And this proverb we can see in this novel that how Swift differentiate waste difference between man and animals.

~ Conclusion

          Gulliver’s Travel has been an outstanding novel by the author. This novel interweaves many aspects. It is political allegory as it deals with many political allegories. It is the adventurous novel. The novel deals with travel, from beginning to end so we called it are travelogue. The novel depicts funny or comic elements and so we called comic novel. The novel satirized on human vices so it can be called satirical work of art. In short the novel is quite successful in presenting what the author wanted. A reader can enjoy the novel heading even from any one angle.

          So after all from this novel I can learn many things like, how to develop any artistic work? How can we understand the deeper meaning of the novel? How can we say something indirectly to society? Etc. Over view we can see it is childish not but it is not only that we get many things from this novel.


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