Friday 23 October 2015

Paradise Lost as anti-Religion epic


                         John Milton was born in bread streat, Cheapside London on 9th December 1608.Or some four year before Shakespeare’s retirement to start ford. His father john Milton was a money servant an occupation that combined that duty of modern banks and lawyer. His father was a puritan and love of art and literature and besides he was noted musician. There can be no doubt that the young Milton inherited his love of music from his father who spread no  pains or expense in the boys training Cambridge music was a natural part of his home environment. His mother was Sarch Jeffry who was a gentle woman known for her charitable works.                                                                                             
                Milton was the son of staunch Roman Catholic and turned protestant at oxford, for which he was disinherited.

                     When Milton was ten years old, he had started to learn, and had a tutor, Thomas young. He was educated at st.paul’s school and at Christ’s collage Cambridge, where he remained seven years taking his B.A in 1629 and his Post graduation degree M.A in 1632 because of his personal beauty, flowing hair and a prudish aloofness from the riotous life of the undergraduate he was called the ‘lady of Christ’s, at the university his stubborn and irascible nature declared itself and owing, to insubordination he was sent down for a term.

                 While he was studding in the collage, he composed many Latin and Italian poems but the only remarkable English poem of this period was ‘ode on the morning of Christ’s nativity; his systematic studies did not however close with the close of his collage course.

                   The blind poet, Milton died on 8th November 1674 in London, where he buried. Paradise lost is an epic poem written by john Milton. Paradise lost written in blank verse and first published in 1667. It is a major work of john Milton and it helped solidify his reputation as one of the greatest English poets of his time.

                       Paradise lost is regarded as masterpiece in the history of literature. It’s an epic with three main characters Eve, Adam and Satan with the divine character God. Many critics have suggested that Satan is seems like hero in one or the other way. The character of Satan is mainly depicted in grey shade. But there are such elements like hero in him, which can be identified by readers with looking the character of him in different perspective, and do not judge him as a devil.  This kind of view point was the reason of such kind of controversies because to take a character that has all the anti-religion and anti-god aspects has created such issues and further the book itself has claimed as it is an anti-religion book.

                   There are three elements which can justify the character of Satan as hero,

1. Satan’s actions:-

          Satan has done such actions, some have an element like hero, but on the other hand he has to follow his character of devil, that’s why he is a villain in the epic.

            When his character has introduced he has a long soliloquy of his Fall and how he has thrown out of heaven and lost his place from near to God. His frustration of his fall from heaven made him to take revenge against God, and made him villain of the story. It was his first action and then, when he was with eve to control her mind, he started loving her and forget his goal to destroy paradise, for a while he became pure lover as it suggests him as a hero. Then his revenge has been attacked on his mind and he realizes that he is out of his way, and he should not be distracted from his way. And again he came back into his devilish mind and activities. He realizes that,
“He is not for love but to hate.”                                                                                                              

2.  Appearance of Satan:-

Satan is a fallen angel, so, he has still some kind of a similar appearance like and angle. Not only from his appearance but from heart also he is like an angel in some or the other way. He has wings like an angel, and he also know that how to love. He has all the qualities of lover, and if he would be a devil, he could not love like an angel, if Satan would presented as a hero, he  would be definitely prove himself better lover than Adam is.

                        As he has fallen from divinity to hell, he has been turned from most beautiful to the ugliest, their actions and sins not only put them in the character of villain but also affected their character and spoiled it. Satan has started as hero but in the end of his actions, he is devil.

3. A complex character:-

                     Milton has created huge contras in his character of a Satan. He is presented not properly as villain not as hero, he is a mixture of both, and his heroic elements are suppressed by his devilish minds and his hatred towards God. He is a fallen angel, so before becoming devil, he was an angle, and because of his sin he has turned into devil. But though he has some emotions but now he has no use of that and that is why he is trying to destroy paradise of God. At some point readers could feel the pain of Satan, and could realize that why he is against of God. His positive side has been presented by Milton. Satan has his own views towards God, and his own Fall. Milton has presented an active devil, which has thoughts and feelings and his own emotions of revenge, hatred and love. His complexity as villain has depicted by Milton in paradise lost with makes him half hero and half villain.

                      Satan as center character of the epic poem:

The most famous quote about paradise lost is William Blake’s statement that Milton was “of the devil’s party without knowing it.’’ William Blake may have meant something other than what is generally understood from this quotation, the idea that Satan the hero or at least a type of hero, in Paradise lost is wide spread. However the progressing, or more precisely regression, of Satan’s character from book 9 through gives much different and much clear picture of Milton’s attitude toward Satan.

               Satan is the center character because as we take a look of a poem, god created Adam and eve and a paradise for them, but he put the Satan in hell, Satan was with god before he was in hell. He accompanied god though he know all about god and he was removed from heaven because of his bad deeds. Satan wanted to stay with god ,but he was in hell and was frustrated with the punishment of god that is the reason that he entered in the world of god and tried to destroy his creation, and he succeed in it on some of the other way.

        In paradise lost Satan is center because he is doing all the things. Satan inspired eve to eat the fruit of knowledge and god punished eve and Adam for this mistake. And they lost paradise.

                      Satan as hero:

                     As far as the concept of hero is Ancash, he should have the qualities of good person, like honesty, loyalty and he should perfect in his deeds. But I paradise lost Satan has all the evil qualities through we can call him hero because he has great fall from heaven to hell. He was in heaven and very near to god. And him departure from god has forced him to be anti-hero and he try to destroy god’s paradise is all his reactions towards god’s action.

                      Satan as lover:

           When Satan went in paradise to destroy god’s paradise he has not any intention to convince eve in temptation act, but when he saw eve, at first sight, he forgot his revenge and was attracted by her beauty and greed of eve. He kissed the footprint of eve and shown his love towards her. He praised the beauty of eve continuously and convinced her to eat ‘fruit of knowledge’. Satan was able to do anything with eve but he suppressed his feeling of love by his thought of revenge. As he kissed the footprint of eve and presented his love, we can say that he could be the best lover, but hat rate toward god made him evil. As it is said that
“If there is hate there is love and if there is love there is hate”
His love has converted into hatred towards god.


                      Satan could not be considered as a hero in any kind of work, but he has played very important role in as a character, he has presented himself well as villain and also his goodness, that how he has become Satan, at some point it can be said that he is not happy in the hell, and because Adam and Eve are enjoying in the paradise, he could not see that anybody takes his place, and that is why he has planned against God to destroy his world.

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