Saturday 12 November 2016

Analysis of Robert Frost's three poem.

§  Stopping by woods on a snavy Evening.
§  Fire and Ice
§  The gift outright

              This is my assignment as part of Third semester in M.A. As a student of Literature there are many questions regarding these poems. Here I want to clear these many questions as under,
·       What is characteristic of Robert Frost's poems?
·       Why Robert Frost choose to write about everyday life in a rural environment.
·       What is the role playd by God and Religion in Frost's poetry?

              Robert Lee Frost was an American poet. His work was initially published in England before it was published in America. He is highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of America colloquial Speech. His work frequently employed setting from rural life in New England in the early twentieth century, using them to examine complex social and philosophical themes. The central themes of his poems are Men Woman, Humanity, loneliness, isolation and nature. He wrote many poems like as under,
     1) Stopping by woods on a snowy Evening
     2) fire and ice
     3) Gift outright
     4) Mending wall
     5) Design, etc...

        Characteristics of Robert Frost's poems
Ø Clarity and simplicity
Ø Realism
Ø Dramatic Quality
Ø His Language, Diction and Versification
Ø His philosophy

       Let's know about some poems in detail as under.

                         Stopping by Woods on a
                          Snowy Evening
                  Whose woods these are I think I know.
                  His house is in the village though;
                  He will not see me stopping here
                 to watch his woods fill up with snow.
                 My little horse must think it queer
                 to stop without a farmhouse near
                 between the woods and frozen lake
                 the darkest evening of the year.
                 He gives his harness bells a shake
                 to ask if there is some mistake.
                 The only other sound’s the sweep
                 of easy wind and downy flake.
                 The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
                 but I have promises to keep,
                 and miles to go before I sleep,
                 and miles to go before I sleep.

Analysis of the poem stopping by woods
         Stopping by woods on a snavy Evening by Robert Frost. The present poem of Robert Frost can be considered as a poem of "KARMA YOGA" or a person's sense of duty. The literary meaning of this poem is simple but applied meaning is significant. On General sense it is about journey of the person in dark wood jungle. And we can see the description of beauty of jungle. So it just basic observations of the poem. But if we think deeply about the poem so it is about our human life. In our life many times we think to stop but our life never stopped because miles to go before I sleep. This is the last line of the poem but very important as well as significant. So it talks about human life and its deep philosophy. The word dark suggests poets despair, because he couldn't get the accepted price of his agri cultural products. The sleep is not a comman sleep in the last two line of the poem. It stand for death and here this poem becomes a poem of "KARMA YOGA" A man may came across beautiful sights, places and individual's but man mast not make there final stage, man should go on and on doing his duties and "KARMA". The day man stops performing his duty and karma, this day of his death though that person may live biologically. The lesson of the poem is importance of KARMA in life and duty is more important then beauty. So it is very famous poem. It is adventurous poem. It is also about the darkness of human life.
       So, it is wonderful poem and I like one line from the poem as under,
   " And miles to go before I sleep"

Now let's know about some another poem as under,

                               Fire and Ice

                             Some say the world will end in fire,
                             some say in ice.
                             From what I’ve tasted of desire
                             I hold with those who favor fire.
                             But if it had to perish twice,
                             I think I know enough of hate
                            to say that for destruction ice
                            is also great
                            and would suffice.

 Analysis of the poem "fire and ice"
         This short poem of Robert frost enterprise his own thinking about how probably the Earth would be destroyed.  The Indian oriental myth and the western myth both suggest that there would be the end of this earth. The Indian oriental myth suggests that the earth would be destroyed of because of water and the western Christian myth suggest that the earth would be destroyed because of fire. This we find in the first stanza of poem.

                            "Some say the world will end in fire,
                             some say in ice."

                            Some people are of the opinion that the earth would be destroyed because of fire while some others think that the earth would be destroyed because of ice-water. The poet has made study about desire of the people on the basis of that study the poet comes to a conclusion that the earth would be destroyed because of the fire of never ending desires.

                   The present poem shows the poets thinking about it. This poem is about the fate of the world. What will happen? Some people saying that world destroy in fire while some people are saying that world destroy in ice or because of ice. It is our thoughts we never known how it will ends? But it is just point to think about it.
         It is not just it because symbolically poet connects desire with fire and hatred with ice. These two words used as metaphorical.  So now if we think deeply that how it will end? So, now it is about humanity that in our human beings how we ends? If we have many desires so it will end of the person. If we are hatred of human then also it will end. So, everything too much is not good for anybody. So once again it is about deeply philosophically. So let's know about one more poem as under,

                              The Gift Outright

               The land was ours before we were the
                She was our land more than a hundred
                before we were her people. She was ours
                In Massachusetts, in Virginia,
                But we were England’s, still colonials,
                Possessing what we still were unprocessed
                Possessed by what we now no more
               Something we were withholding made us
               until we found out that it was ourselves
               we were withholding from our land of
              and forthwith found salvation in surrender.
              Such as we were we gave ourselves outright
              (The deed of gift was many deeds of war)
             to the land vaguely realizing westward,
              but still unstoried, artless, unenhanced,
             Such as she was, such as she would become.

Analysis of the poem "Gift outright"
            This poem of Robert frost can we concider as a poem of colonials conflict in America between the Native American and the settler who from different countries of Europe settled in America. The poet as decedent of those settlers writes this poem about conflict between settlers as colonizers and native people as colonized.  In the first stanza we find the poet's love for his country.

               "The land was ours before we were the
               "She was our land more than a hundred

                       This is patriotic poem; we can see the world of America when they were try to develop their nation. So we can see two types of world in this poem one is old one connected with England while another one is new world which is establishment of America. So it is about how they are struggling while developing their country. So, after all we can say that it is pure patriotic poem. So we must have to think like that.

                   Robert frost's way of writing is simple and clear. So after understanding these three poems we can say these all three poems are wonderful poems with deep philosophy. It develops our understanding of life and importance of humanity. How it is important? So many things we learn from these three poems. And all these three has its own identity and unic things regarding some philosophically thoughts. So these all three are wonderful poems. In the first poem Stopping by woods on a snavy Evening poet describe the beauty of nature as well as the duty and Karma of life and the gift out right he write about his love towards his country. Fire and ice in this poem he discus about his thinking about how probably the earth would be distorted. So at the and of this Assignment we can say that these poems give us deep understanding of life.


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