Thursday 10 November 2016

Mrs. Ramsay as wall between father and child or as bridge.

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                       This is my assignment as part of Third semester in M.A. As a student of Literature there are many questions regarding this novel. Here I want to clear these many questions as under,

1) Mrs. Ramsay as a wall between father and child or bridge. 
2) Why Mr.ramsay and James hate each other? What are the reasons behind it?
3) What is Oedipus complex?
4) Is it universal problem? 
                             "To the lighthouse" is written by Virginia Woolf in 1927. She is English and one of the foremost modernist of the twentieth century. This is stream of consciousness novel. The novel is divided into three sections: "The window", "time passes", "The Lighthouse.  Each section is fragmented into stream-of-consciousness contribution from various narrators. The novel centers on the Ramsays and their visits to the lsle of skpe in Scotland between 1910 and 1920.There are many characters in the novel like'

                  Mr. Ramsay,
                  Mrs. Ramsay,
                  Lily Briscoe
                  James Ramsay
                  Charles Tansley
                  William Banks etc.

            These all characters are very complex. In the first section of the novel Mrs.Ramsay is main character and in second and third section Lily Briscoe is center character. These two women characters are (Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe) important as well as opposed. One think like ordinary woman while other in modern way. Now if we focus on some particular characters like Mrs. Ramsay, Mr. Ramsay, James Ramsay. So let's know some details about these three characters and their relationship. James is son of Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay.
             Mrs. Ramsay sets all the things. And James didn't like his father, he think that because of his father his mother left him alone. But Mrs. Ramsay is closed to both the characters Mr. Ramsay as well as James. So her character is very strong as a mother as well as good wife... If we think about Mr. Ramsay and James so why they hate each other?

1)   What are the reasons behind it? One of the reasons is the Oedipus complex.
2)   James wants to go to the lighthouse but Mr. Ramsay not agrees with him.

                Beautiful and loving women, she is a wonderful hostess who takes pride in making memorable experiences for the guests at the family's summer home on the Isle of Skye. Her primary goal is to preserve her youngest son James's sense of hope and wonder surrounding the lighthouse. Mrs. Ramsay also thinks that women should take care of family, husband, children and kitchen. Mrs. Ramsay is the idea of idea woman.

           He is prominent metaphysical philosopher. Mr. Ramsay loves his family but often acts like something of a tyrant. He stands, in many respects as Mrs. Ramsay's opposite. Whereas she acts patiently, kindly, and diplomatically toward others, hr tends to be short-tempered, selfish, and rude. Virginia Woolf describe him as "Lean as a knife, narrow as the blade of one," which conjures both his physical presence and suggest the sharpness of his personality.

James Ramsay:
             A sensitive child, James is gripped by a love for his mother that is as overpowering and complete as his hatred for his father. He feels a murderous range against Mr. Ramsay, who, he believes, delights in delivering the news that there will be no trip to the Lighthouse. But James grows into a young man who shares many of his father's characteristic, the same ones that incited such anger in him as a child.

        What is Oedipus complex?  
          Oedipus refers to 5th century B.c Greek mythology character Oedipus who unwittingly kills his father laqius and marries his mother Jocasta, A play based on the myth. Oedipus rex is written by "Sophocles".

       The tearm Oedipus complex cor-less commonty. Oedipus complex denotes the emotion and idea that mind keeps in the unconscious via dynamic Repression that concentrates upon a Child desire have sexual relation with the parent of the opposite sex (male attracted to their mother and females attracted to their Father).  
         Sigmund Freud, who coined the term "Oedipus complex", believed that the Oedipus complex is a desire for the parent in both males and females. In this novel James loves his mother and he hate his father. So we can read here Oedipus complex.   

     Mrs. Ramsay as a wall between father and child or bridge.                  
           In the first part of the Novel Mrs. Ramsay is alive and he loves James while James hates his father because her mother left him because of his father. James Ramsay wants to go to the lighthouse, but his mother tells him that they will go the next day if the weather permits. James reacts gleefully, but Mr.Ramsay tells him coldly that the weather looks to be foul.

             "But", said his father stopping in front of the drawing room window, ' It won't be fine'.
        had there brrn an axe handy, a poker, or any weapon that would have gashed a hole in his Father's breast and killed him, there and then , James would have seized it. such were the extremes of emotion that Mr.Ramsay exited in his children's breasts by his mere presence; standing, as now, lean as a knife, narrow as the blade of one, grinning, sarcastically, not only with the pleaser of disillusioning his son and casting ridicule upon his wife, who was ten thousand times better in every way than he was (James thought), but also with some secret conceit at his own accuracy of judgment.

                 We find James hatred towards his father from this Dialogue from the text. This predication is denied by Mr.Ramsay, who voices his certainty that the weather will not be clear, an opinion that forces a certain tension between Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay and also between Mrs.Ramsay and jams. This particular incident is referred to on various occasions through the section, especially in the context of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay's relationship. If we think in this way than she is wall between father and child. But in other way she is bridge between father and child.
                After the death of Mrs. Ramsay they meet each other (Mr. Ramsay and James) they talk to each other and Mr. Ramsay praise to his son. James feels the love of his father but he cannot express in words. So in that way we can say that she is wall between father and child. So these are some reasons to prove it in both the side.      
Is it universal problem?                                                
                                 If we think about this problem in detail, so it is everywhere. When we are child at that time if we are teasing our mother so when our father come at our home at that time our mom telling to our father that please tell him something. So their relationship become complex. And then if father told something to his son at that time mother tells that don't say anything to him, he is child. So from this type of example we can say that it is Universal. This is universal problem because the relation between father and child is became complex.

              We find this thing in many novel, drama and movie and even our real life also. So we can say that the mother as a wall between father and child or bridge. To the lighthouse is full of various symbols. The lighthouse itself is the biggest symbol, suggesting many things. We can read lighthouse as a symbol of Mrs. Ramsay because lighthouse guides to those who are traveling in the sea. Its helps James and Mr. Ramsay to make their relationship strong. When there is no hope or direction in the sea, it is lighthouse which helps there. The same important place is of Mrs. Ramsay holds in the novel.
                   In the second section Mrs.Ramsay dies and Mr. Ramsay finally plans on taking the long -delayed trip to the lighthouse with daughter cam and son James. Mr. Ramsay sits in the boat reading a book and James waits with dread for the movement that his father will turn to him with some criticism Mr. Ramsay praise to James while they are goinnig "to the lighthouse" because James keeps the salling boat steady. When Mrs. Ramsay is alive Mr.Ramsay and James hate each other because of her. James want to go to "the Lighthouse "but Mr.Ramsay did not agree to go the lighthouse so, James hate him. So we can say that we are unable to decide that Mrs.Ramsay is wall or bridge, because it is same like two sides of one coin. In the first section of the novel Mrs. Ramsay becomes wall between father and child. While in the second section of the novel Mrs. Ramsay becomes bride between father and child. So is it difficult to define that Mrs. Ramsay as a wall between father and child or bridge.

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