Thursday 10 November 2016

The character of Caliban in "The Tempest" and "A Tempest"

                       This is my assignment as part of Third semester in M.A. As a student of Literature there are many questions regarding these plays "A Tempest "and "The Tempest. Here I want to clear these many questions as under,

Ø What is different between these two plays "A Tempest "and "The Tempest.
Ø What is colonialism and post-colonialism?
Ø What is Tempest?
Ø Caliban as subaltern character.
Ø Character of Caliban in "The tempest" and "A tempest"
Ø Caliban is in our real life also.

                         "The Tempest" is written by William Shakespeare and with the reference of this play Aime Cesaire writes new play "A tempest" written in 1969 in French and translated in English in 1985 by Richard miller. The Tempest is a last play by William shakespear. These both plays are different. There is one term centre and periphery, it is applied here.  A Tempest is a postcolonial revision of William Shakespeare's The Tempest. There is one play written by T.P Kailasam,"The Purpose". This is also based on great Indian book "Mahabharata". As same in this play also we can see that thing. There are some major characters in the play like Caliban, Prospero, Miranda, Ariel etc. In both the play centre is different. In the Tempest Prospero is center character but in A Tempest Caliban is at center.  So let's know about that character.

Characters in "The Tempest":  (by William Shakespeare)

Ø Prospero:   
            The main character of the play. The overthrown Duke of Milan. He now lives on an island and is a great Sorcerer. He is sympathetic character in that he was wronged by his usurping brother. But his absolute power over the other characters and his overwrought speeches make him difficult to like. In out firs glimpse of him. He appears puffed up and self important.

Ø Miranda:
                Prospero's daughter, who falls in love with the prince of Naples, Fredinand.

     A fierce and wicked sprite that does Prospero's bidding and is, at times, visible only at him. He became Prospero's "slave" because he was saved by Prospero from being trapped in a tree by sycorax. Ariel approaches, his tasks with enthusiasm, quickly doing what is asked and promptly reporting any activities that he observes.

   A villainous island native, the deformed son of a witch named sycorax, who ruled the island before Prospero arrived. He now works as Prospero's slave but despises him. In the play, he is known to have spoken many colorful curses, an example being, "A Southwest wind blow on ye and blister you all ever". He has been interpred by many critics as a symbol of the native culture occupied and suppressed by European colonial societies.

A deceased Algerian sources and mother of Caliban, who was banished to the island before Prospero arrived and enslaved the spirit on the island, including Ariel.

   Characters in "A Tempest": (by Amie Cesaire)
       White master
       Black slave
     Ariel is a Mullato

   What is Colonialism and Post -colonialism?

   1) What is colonialism?
          "The control and governing influence of a nation over a dependent country, territory people".
The tempest is a colonial play.

  2) What is Post Colonialism?
                  Post- colonialism means after colonialism. Post -colonialism is the study of a culture after the Physical and political Withdrawal of an oppressive power. 
     A Tempest is a postcolonial revision of William Shakespeare's The Tempest.

What is Tempest?
"A Violent, windstorm especially one with rain, hails, or snow."

  Character of Caliban in "The tempest" and "A tempest"
         The name is an anagram of the Spanish wood Cannibal (Carib people) and character may be inspired by Caliban or Caliban in the Roman language means Blake or with blackness. In the tempest the character of Caliban is silent; he can't able to speak against anybody.  Caliban is the son of witch hug and the only real native of the island to appear in the play. Ahead is an extremely Complex figure, and he mirrors or paradise several other characters in the play. In his first speech to Prospero, Caliban insists that Prospero stolen the island from him.  He has not voice, he suffers throughout his life but never speak. It means power plays vital role in this play as in our real life also. If we think about "kshudra" so they not allowed to enter in the temple or many other places. So there are three things different as well as same, race, caste and class. In all these three power played a vital role. So in this play "the tempest" we can see the problem of race while in "The Purpose" we can see the problem; caste. 

              The Tempest

         A Tempest
Antagonist. Protagonist.
Half human and half animals. Blake slave.
Weak. More powerful in his struggle against Prospero.
obedient disobedient
doesn't challenge Prospero refuse to follow orders
Pathetic, crass and vulgar.

          In both the plays, Caliban asks for stephano and trinculo to be his new Master.

      "Well you see, this island belonged to me except that a man named Prospero cheated me of it. I'm perfectly willing to give you my right to it, but the fact is you will have to fight Prospero for it"

            In ceraire's play Caliban realizes that if again he will trust on OTHER than again another Prospero will come to empower over him and again has to live a life of slave, a black slave. It is significant different.

                The character of Caliban is different in both the plays, in The Tempest and A Tempest. So, after all the problems are same with some different things. So in A tempest Caliban is speaking, he has voice. So in this play Caliban speaking against power, he is not suppressed by anyone. This is new looking in old things. It is through post colonial angle.

Caliban is in our real life also.
                   We are doing this kind of behavior with poor or kshudra people. In old days, we thought that don't talk with them, don't go in their house, etc. So we cay they are like Caliban. They don't have power and position in society.  They suffered in their life because society can't accept them. If we think about this time so they have voice and people are frankly with everybody but yet all people are not same, it is up to person that how they behave?  So, in real life also we are seeing the person like Caliban.

Caliban as subaltern character:

The definition of Subaltern:
                             In critical theory and post colonialism, subaltern refers to the populations that are socially, politically and geographically outside of the hegemonic power structure of the colonial homeland.

Prospero: "better yet from a brutish monster I have made man!
But ah! To have failed to find the path to man's heart…."
Caliban: "I'm not interested in peace; I'm interested in being free".

               A Tempest by Amie creasier is a play based largely on Shakespeare's the the Tempest with only few changes. Cesaire's version of this play explores the original concepts in further depth by incorporating the themes of colonialism and negritude which cerise studied extensively. "A Tempest address modernist issue and theories through the utilization of a classic play that most modern readers are familiar with. After all we can say that problems are everywhere but try to solve it or think differently. Because these all things are sake of humanity. Human being is in the center. So, society and its rules are for making human beings happy but if it is not happening then remove those kinds of rules and spread happiness everywhere. At the end of this discussion we can say that the character of Caliban is different in both the plays.



  1. well organised assignment. Thanks for sharing. It will help a lot for preparation.

  2. Really useful one, compact yet packed with important points.Thank You very much for the effort to make the hard one looks so simple. Further, you can access this site to read Theme of Colonization as Depicted in Shakespeare’s The Tempest
